People of #YOEbyCET
The amazing people of #YOEbyCET who have made this youth exchange a BIG success and an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.
Erasmus+ Youth exchange "Young Online Entrepreneurs"
The amazing people of #YOEbyCET who have made this youth exchange a BIG success and an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.
We started the afternoon session of the last day of #YOEbyCET by presenting demo versions of the workshops we planned to do back home as follow-up activities after the youth exchange. After the presentations, we gave feedback and receive tips on how we can improve them or make them more appealing and engaging for the…
The morning session of the last day of our youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs” started off with a morning hike to the Ilinden uprising monument, famously known as Makedonium where we had a presentation and discussion about the Erasmus+ programme. We learned about the aims, objectives, features and opportunities that Erasmus+ provides to young people,…
In the first afternoon session of Day 5 of “Young Online Entrepreneurs”, our group split into small teams to continue with their interaction with the locals. Now we had a new task, to think of 10 questions that we can use to interview local business owners about the start of their businesses, their current state…
The 5th day of the youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs” was all about outdoor activities and interacting with the local community of Krushevo. We got the unique chance to visit Општина Крушево/Municipality of Krusevo and meet with one of the councilors of the municipality of Krushevo, Ms. Aleksandra Tirchoska and the youth officer, Mr. Sotir…
The afternoon of Day 4 of “Young Online Entrepreneurs” was reserved for brainstorming and planning the creation of dissemination and visibility materials for the youth exchange and the Erasmus+ programme in general. We have prepared various media, including a wide selection of memes, TikTok videos, Instagram reels, a plan for publishing content on social media…
On the morning of the 4th day of our youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs”, we had the pleasure to welcome two representatives of the Macedonian entrepreneurship scene, Ms. Благица Ефтимова who works as an ecosystem facilitator with Swiss Entrepreneurship Program as well as a project coordinator with Startup Macedonia and CET platform Macedonia, and Ms.…
The afternoon sessions of Day 3 of the youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs” started with working on business marketing plans. We have written our plans on posters and presented the following companies: iWalk together, Explorify, Condomania and Dreamic. In the last session of the day, each team got the chance to create their company profile…
The morning of the third day of our youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs” started with our usual game Top 10 in which each team had to list 10 movies based on the most earned profits. To bring up the energy of the group, participants played a game named Orchestra. The leader would start a move…
During the afternoon sessions of the second day of the Youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs”, the group learned about various influence techniques. It started with a video presenting 6 influence factors: reciprocity, scarcity, authority, consistency, liking and consensus, which were described in 1984 by an American professor of psychology Robert Cialdini. After the film, participants…
On the second workday of our youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs”, our group gathered in the workroom to start the day with an energizer and to learn about entrepreneurship. Each participant described what is their entrepreneurial attitude. To understand the concept better, the group used the acting method in six smaller teams. The goal was…
We started the afternoon sessions of the first workday by sharing the expectations, fears and contributions of our group. We spoke about the project context, planned activities and expected results as well as the non-formal learning methodology and schedule that we are going to follow during the next days. We also jointly decided on ground…
After long trips to N. Macedonia and all of us arriving excited in Krushevo, it is time to start with the activities of our youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs”. The morning sessions of the first day were all about getting to know each other, learning our names, our backgrounds, experiences and where we come from.…
We have started with the implementation of the youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs” in Krushevo that from the 8th to 15th of April 2022 brings together young people and youth leaders from Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Poland, Croatia and Bulgaria. The main aim of the project is to bring together 36 young people and youth leaders…