On the second workday of our youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs”, our group gathered in the workroom to start the day with an energizer and to learn about entrepreneurship. Each participant described what is their entrepreneurial attitude. To understand the concept better, the group used the acting method in six smaller teams. The goal was to create a scene explaining the definition of entrepreneurship. Participants came up with many innovative and amazing ideas. Young people associate this subject with risk, overcoming obstacles, creativity, persistence, determination, commitment and eventually success.
Later on, the participants listened to the speech „Dream big” given by Mr. Robert Matovski. The guest shared an inspiring story about his experience with the job market. Not aware of possibilities out there and filled with limiting beliefs, he eventually took the risk and went for the interview to test himself. As the IT sector was constantly growing, he managed to change his career path and find fulfillment in the gaming industry. The guest’s intention was to make young people aware of the opportunities that are available to them and make them believe in themselves.
After that, participants discussed how limiting beliefs can impact one’s life and were asked to individually reflect on their personal beliefs and share their thoughts in pairs.