INTERNATIONAL YOUTH ACTIVITY CENTER BULGARIA is a non-profit organization whose main activities are related to fostering young people’s participation in a variety of local and international activities and also encouraging them to contribute to projects under the European Commission’s former “Youth in action” program and current “Erasmus +” program. We work closely together with several youth organizations in Bulgaria as well as the Bulgarian National Youth Forum. All of our partners are leading organizations with a lot of experience in different projects in the youth field. IYAC Bulgaria (International Youth Activity Center) is a youth organization that works in the youth field in Sofia, Bulgaria. We have developed a very good network of partner organizations in Bulgaria and abroad. What’s more, we work in very good cooperation with the institutions responsible for the youth sector. IYAC Bulgaria has been a partner in many youth exchanges, seminars and training courses all over Europe and some non-EU countries.
We work in different directions towards providing young people with opportunities to develop their skills and volunteering in different fields. Proof of our work is our first domestic project which was held in October 2014 in Gabrovo, Bulgaria. The title of the project was “Guidelines to self-development” and provided participants from 5 countries with the opportunity to improve their soft skills and knowledge in different aspects. The project met the approval of all stakeholders and became popular in the region.
IYAC BULGARIA doesn’t narrow its activities only in one direction. Several teams, consisting of our members, are involved in implementing various initiatives to the benefit of the youth community. Along with local initiatives and projects, we provide young people with the opportunity to get to know the natural and historical treasures of our country – the “Travel Bulgaria” team organizes monthly visits to various tourist destinations in Bulgaria.
Our work aims mainly to:
- involve as many young people as possible in the NGO sector
- create stable relationships with other organizations
- accomplish projects on socially significant topics
- to provide young people with the opportunity to develop their skills
We believe that together we can achieve more and become better!
All of our members are very active and aware of the social situation, political issues as well as the needs and opportunities in the youth sector. We have very well prepared volunteers who have long work in the non-governmental sector and in the field of intercultural dialog, youth initiatives and involving different people in one mission. We believe each of our members could have great contribution to the project aims and will do their best to actively look for new possibilities for solving current issues.
Our team possess vast experience in the youth sector and the field of youth exchanges and trainings. Each of our members has previous background in the non-governmental sector and has been involved in voluntary activities. Through the numerous projects that we have taken part in, organized and prepared groups for activities abroad under different youth initiatives, we have gained experience and developed a good sight over the youth work. During the years we have gained significant experience in the fields of event management as well as communication with national and international partners on different organizational levels. During the last several years we have also organized several national activities which attracted considerable attention and involved hundreds of people.