CET platforma Skopje is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental association of citizens with mission to: strengthen civil society on local, national and European level, promote and protect the human rights, perform activities which encourage moral and civic values, strengthen inter-ethnic relations, empower youth in society, advocate for social inclusion of vulnerable groups, promote non-formal education and…

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CET platforma Croatia is branch of regional CET network with organizations in Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Macedonia, Slovenia and Montenegro. CET was established as a group of experts from South East Europe with the aim to provide support, assistance, services and expertise in the field of the development of civil society and democratic institutions, civic values,…

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CET Platform Hellas is the Greek branch of the regional network CET Platform Network, which today involves 12 organizations active in Croatia, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, North MAcedonia, Bulgaria, Italy, Bosnia & Herzegovina. CET was established as a group of experts from South East Europe with the aim to provide support, assistance, services and expertise…

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IYAC Bulgaria

INTERNATIONAL YOUTH ACTIVITY CENTER BULGARIA is a non-profit organization whose main activities are related to fostering young people’s participation in a variety of local and international activities and also encouraging them to contribute to projects under the European Commission’s former “Youth in action” program and current “Erasmus +” program. We work closely together with several…

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Youth Support Centre (YSC) is non-profit, non-governmental organisation established by youth workers, young people and professionals, involved in their local community life and life of their Universities, motivated to work with non-formal education in addressing the issues that concern our local community, Poland and Europe in general. YSC is a relatively new organisation, founded in…

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SFERA ITALY is an association for social promotion founded by a group of young from the Province of Naples.The main aim of SFERA ITALY association is to support the sustainable development of the local community and youth. The organisation promotes active citizenship, and structured dialogue between youngsters and institutions in order to achieve together common…

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