We have started with the implementation of the youth exchange “Young Online Entrepreneurs” in Krushevo that from the 8th to 15th of April 2022 brings together young people and youth leaders from Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Poland, Croatia and Bulgaria.
The main aim of the project is to bring together 36 young people and youth leaders in order to introduce them to the philosophy of entrepreneurship and social media platforms as an asset for starting or managing businesses and tools for initiating social changes.
The youth exchange will try to inspire young people to use their smartphones and social media platforms as assets and not liabilities as well as tools to raise awareness on social issues or empower their peers to participate in social life and make a difference in their local communities.
The youth exchange will use methods that are based on non-formal and experiential education in order to provide all the participants with the information needed to enhance their learning process, but also in order to create an inclusive and learner-centered learning environment.
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union through the Macedonian National Agency for European educational programmes and mobility / Национална агенција за европски образовни програми и мобилност.
Our partners are: Sfera66 – Italy, CET Platform Hellas – Greece, Youth Support Centre – Poland, Iyac Bulgaria, CET Platform Hrvatska – Croatia.
Thanks to Vila Gora – Krusevo for hosting us and for their hospitality!